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School of Mathematics

Kiem, Young-Hoon


Algebraic geometry

A fundamental problem in algebraic geometry is to classify algebraic varieties and geometric structures such as vector bundles and sheaves. It is well known that these classifications are attained by algebraic varieties, called moduli spaces. By intersection theory on moduli spaces, we may find algebro-geometric objects of interest. Prof. Kiem's research has been mainly focused on the geometry of moduli spaces, intersection theory and enumerative invariants. He is also interested in applications of algebraic geometry.

  • BS, Seoul National University, Mathematics, February 1993.

  • PhD, Yale University, Mathematics, May 2000. (Thesis advisor: Professor Ronnie Lee)

  • Szego Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, September 2000 - August 2002.

  • Professor, Department of Mathematics, Seoul National University, September 2002 - December 2022.

  • Professor, School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, December 2022-present.

  • Fellow of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology, 2020 - present.

  • DI Award, KMS, 2017.

  • Scientist of the Month, NRF, 2014.

  • Young Scientist Award, 2009, KAST.

  • Article Award, KMS, 2006.

  • Best Paper Award, KOFST 2005.

Publications at KIAS

Selected Publications

  • Office: 1305 / TEL) 82-2-958-3716 /
  • School of Mathematics, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
  • 85 Hoegiro Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02455, Republic of Korea.