Large scale structures and galactic dynamics
My research activity has focused on gravitational dynamics, with a special emphasis on the statistical characterisation of matter. I have in particular analysed the instability and secular mechanisms driving the evolution of galaxies embedded in their cosmic environment. This investigation has led me to explore various topics such as the dynamics of the large-scale structure, the intergalactic and interstellar media and the secular dynamics of galaxies and black holes. I have promoted novel tools and theories to trace and understand the cosmic web in simulations and observations. This has proven extremely fruitful, both from the point of view of cosmology (using the web as a ruler), but also to understand galaxy formation (quantify statistically how the large-scale structures impact embedded galaxies).
- 1998-2004 Junior Researcher, Observatoire de Strasbourg, Fr.
- 2004-2010 Researcher, CNRS, Institut d’astrophysique de Paris, Fr.
- 2010 Sabbatical at Merton College, Astrophysics, Oxford, UK.
- 2015 Sabbatical at Churchill College, Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK.
- 2018 Sabbatical at Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, UK.
- 2011- Directeur de recherche, Institut d’astrophysique de Paris, Fr.
- 1992 Knight Prize (University of Cambridge)
- 2009 Leverhulme Professorship, University of Oxford
- 2013 Sackler visiting fellowship, University of Cambridge
- 2014 Prime d’Excellence de la Recherche CNRS
- 2015 Churchill College-CNRS fellowship, University of Cambridge
- 2018 Scottish University Physics Alliance distinguished visitor Edinburg
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- , Korea Institute for Advanced Study
- 85 Hoegiro Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02455, Republic of Korea.