Professor Hee Oh, KIAS Scholar of School of Mathematics, appointed as an Abel Committee member
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has appointed Prof. Hee Oh, a KIAS Scholar of the School of Mathematics, as one of the members of the Abel Committee, based on nominations from the International Mathematical Union and the European Mathematical Society. https://abelpri...2024-07-08
KIAS Scholar Hee Oh has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Science
KIAS Scholar Hee Oh of School of Mathematics has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Science in 2024.
People New Members and Alumni
School of PhysicsProject Research Fellow
School of MathematicsResearch FellowGeometric Group Theory
School of MathematicsResearch FellowHigher Teichmuller Theory
School of Computational SciencesProject Research FellowTheoretical biology
Quantum Universe CenterQUC Research FellowFoundations of Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information
School of PhysicsResearch FellowAstrophysics
June E Huh Center for Mathematical ChallengesAI Fellow(AI Assistant Professor)
School of PhysicsResearch FellowString theory, Quantum field theory
June E Huh Center for Mathematical ChallengesCMC Fellow(Hyo Chul Myung Assistant Professor)Probability